automate your business

Digital Workers for Property Management

- Cut your cost of admin by over 50%
- Increase your profit margins by capping the cost of manual tasks
- Free up your time to focus on more valuable work

Let's chat

Use a digital workforce to take care of the repetitive parts of your business such as credit control, invoice management, and data entry.

We build automations (digital workers) that can save you and your team hours of manual work. All of our digital workers can be connected directly to your property management platform to perform tasks as a human would.

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No Unnecessary Hires

Some property managers hire staff just for data entry because their team are so overworked. With digital workers, you can save money by focusing on value adding work and letting us handle the rest.

Improve Job Satisfaction

With the repetitive work taken care of, your staff will be able to focus on more stimulating work which has been shown to improve job satisfaction and retention.

24/7 Processing

Our digital workers never sleep, so if you need invoices uploading daily at 7am before anyone logs on, need fees raising on month end that happens to fall on a weekend or anything else out of hours, we've got it.

Why do people use digital workers in property management?

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