Credit Controller

The digital worker that makes you money while you sleep.

Automate your credit control process. Whether you're a block manager sending reminders for ground rent and service charges, or a letting agent that needs to send rent reminders to tenants.

Let's chat

What's the set up process?


1. Show us how

Specify your debt collection process, in terms of the days you want to send reminders and what they consist of.


2. Authorise access

Provide the information we need to connect to the property management platform that you use.


3. Save time

We'll get everything set up and in a couple of days you'll have your credit control on auto-pilot.

Step by Step

  1. Upload your list of tenants in arrears.
  2. The Credit Controller sends emails and text reminders to the tenants in arrears.
  3. The Credit Controller adds any applicable fees to tenant account in your system.
  4. Sends a completion email to your staff with a file containing all actions taken for your review.
Credit Contoller for Property Management

Interested in seeing our Credit Controller in action? Get in touch to find out more about how it works and how much time you could save.