Digital Workers


Credit Controller

  • Integrated with Reapit

Automate your credit control process. Handle tenant rent, tenant non-rent and landlord arrears all in one place, fully integrated with Reapit.

This digital worker will take a list of debtors, contact them as specified, refer to debt collection as needed and keep Reapit up to date with any contact records.

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Lead Manager

  • Integrated with Reapit

Automate your lead management process to increase your response time, improve your engagement and secure more deals with our Reapit integrated digital worker.

Set up automated responses to new enquiries and keep your potential buyers and tenants up to date with newly listed properties.

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Invoice Uploader

  • Block Management
  • Letting Agents

The invoice uploader provides a place for your contractors to submit their invoices. These are then processed and uploaded to your property management platform automatically.

Invoices are stored under the correct property and can be connected to an existing work order.

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Want to find out more? Get in touch!